On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 06:58:44AM -0400, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
> >Of course you are absolutely correct.  Now I will have to figure out how to
> >completely disable all aspects of a completely new window manager :)

The problem with MythTV and mplayer is probably with window managers
that use the "click to focus" model by default.  With MythTV and mplayer
you definitely want to automatically focus on the top window.

>       I have chosen 'ratpoison' as my WM of choice.  Perfect for a 
> PVR... no decorations/titlebars, etc.  Everything is full-screen, and you 
> can pull up a terminal with a keystroke that mimics the 'screen' terminal 
> program.

Ditto.  I wouldn't use ratpoison on a desktop machine, but it's great
for the XBOX.  On my desktop I use KDE and run MythTV in a window.  That
way I can watch it PIP-style while doing other things.

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