On Jul 27, 2005, at 11:18 AM, Andrew Close wrote:

i currently have one MythBox up and running in our home production
environment. :)  now that the new season of SG-1, Atlantis &
Battlestar Galactica has started i freak out whenever there is a blip
in the power at our house.  in the past week our neighborhood has lost
power at least four times <shakes-fist> damn you Com-Ed </shakes-fist>
and i've had to go downstairs and restart the MythBox and check the
partitions.  so far this hasn't happened in the middle of a recording
or caused a loss of data or any type of corruption.

I see you have already had some good responses from the UPS side, so I'll just add my nod to the APC products on that front.

My suggestion to you would be in addition to adding UPS, clean up your system so it does not require user intervention when it is restarted. I had been having spontaneous reboots on my myth backend, which was a huge bummer, but it only took the machine about a minute to fully reboot, and when myth restarted, it continued recording.

I am using ext3 on my system disks, and JFS on my video storage disks, and they have so far (knock on wood) always managed to straighten themselves out on their own very quickly after an unclean reboot.


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