On Jul 27, 2005, at 7:39 PM, Bruce Pennypacker wrote:

Hi all,

I have a FC3 box running myth 0.81 on KDE. I'm now trying to get it to start up automatically on bootup but I'm only having partial luck. I used the init scripts from contrib to start up mythbackend during bootup and that works fine. I've tried following the directions on Jarod Wilsons site to get FC3 to automatically log in as mythtv and run mythfrontend but that's where I'm having trouble. I ran gdmsetup and specified that it should automatically log in as mythtv but that didn't work. Rebooting still leaves me at the login screen. Running gdmsetup a second time shows that it did remember my settings. I've also tried going into the KDE control center and setting both the option to log in automatically and the option to log in as a specific user after a specified period of time has passed but neither of them work either. Has anybody gotten this successfully working on FC3 with KDE?

If you don't really want to run KDE (if your only using your frontend for Myth, you don't need it), there is a solution posted a couple of places that has worked very well for me. You edit your /etc/inittab file to spawn startx. It even restarts it when X exits. I use the following line:

2:345:respawn:/usr/bin/openvt -fwc 2 -- /bin/su - mythtv -c /usr/X11R6/bin/startx

The options to openvt are a little different than what were posted, I had to mess around with them since the options seem to have changed between openvt versions. This replaces the old line in inittab for tty2. It basically opens a virtual terminal on tty2, and as the mythtv user, calls startx. My mythtv user has a .xinitrc file that starts a window manager in the background, and then starts mythfrontend. When myth exits (or dies), X stops, the init process notices, and starts it up again. If I don't want mythfrontend to run, I can switch to runlevel 2.


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