ffrr wrote:

If I change to using the tv_grab_au for nine msn, after having been using the one for d1.com.au, how much am I going to wreak havoc with in mythtv?
Will I have to reschedule all my programs?

I guess I will have to re-run mythtv-setup, create a new video source, and also edit each channel for new ID's (or will they stay the same)?

I think all you need to do is edit the mapping in the channels configuration.

The old  tv_grab_au looks like this....

# tv_grab_au 0.6 config file
region Sydney
service freesd
# "channel name" and "frequency" can be changed to suit
# [+yes/-no] [channel ID] [channel name] [frequency]
+channel freesd.Sydney.10 "TEN Digital" 1

So, in the channel config for channel 10, I have "freesd.Sydney.10"
But in the new tv_grab_au config looks like...

$channels = {
 'ABC NSW' => 'nsw.abc.gov.au',
 'ABC2' => 'abc2.abc.gov.au',
 'CHANNEL NINE SYDNEY' => 'sydney.nine.com.au',
 'CHANNEL SEVEN SYDNEY' => 'sydney.seven.com.au',
 'NETWORK TEN SYDNEY' => 'sydney.ten.com.au',
 'SBS NEWS' => 'news.sbs.com.au',
 'SBS SYDNEY' => 'sydney.sbs.com.au'

So I guess you just change the channel config to "sydney.ten.com.au"

Nothing else really needs to change. Deleting d1.com.au and creating msn.com.au is just being anal.

I hope it works OK, I am still using d1.com.au as I worry that ninemsn will change the web page and the script will not function.
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