tgate wrote:

>> I am not sure if it is something I would plan a MythTv
>> system around.  Different areas probably have different results.  I
>> assume they're working on locking it down everywhere though.
> Unbelievable.  I really don't understand why content creators or
> providers can not simply offer a "decryption license" for their
> media.  I'm happy to pay for HBO or Cable.  Why should I be forced to
> buy a lousy TiVo or other DVR when I can build a myth setup.  In fact
> a decryption license would open the doors for people who only have
> internet access.  It would completely open up distribution for them.
> Sorry for the rant.  For the better part of a year now I've been
> searching for a way to make mithTv work for me.  It's great.  There's
> just so much working against it.
> -todd

Isn't this what the smart-card that come cable companies are now
offering is supposed to deal with?  You rent a smart-card rather than
the entire cable box and stick the card into whatever cable box you
desire.  I think they're are PC cards in the works to support this as
well, but unfortunately I forget what it's all called.


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