
            I know this has probably been talked about before, but since after 2 days of searching Google and trying “solutions” others have posted, I will come back and ask a question (which has probably already been asked 1000 times).  I have the Chaintech AV710 soundcard which seems like a popular card due to its price/performance.  How do I get this card’s optical out to work with my Surround Sound Amplifier?  Does it output 5.1 Surround?  If so, what do I need to do to get it to work?  I’ve read the MythTV Fedora HowTO and the links off that page in attempt to get the sound to work.  I’ve replaced a zillion alsa sound files, but still doesn’t work.  If I route the sound to PCM out, I can hear it off the Line Out port.


Thanks for your help!




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