Hi Dennis,

My housemate was getting pretty cross with me for constantly saying 'cool!' throughout the install, so nice work there. ;-p

I can't actually remember what video card I'm using in this machine, but I just ticked the 'Install Everything' box, so the drivers should be there. It's my test server (a Dell PE 1300) and it's just using the on-board video. I think it's an nVidea chip. Possibly a TNT or something.

I'll give the recovery disc a pop later to see if that's it, but how long do you think until 1.4's available?

I gave KnoppMyth a go and couldn't get it to even start the installer (or the live bit) so I gave up on that. I've had SLES9 running on it for a few weeks, though, and before that it had W2K3 on it, so I know the h/w's alright.

Thanks for your comments and the good job on the OS. I look forward to using it!


On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 00:43:21 +0100, Dennis Hand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>This is a long shot, but I'm hoping someone can help me with this one...

I've just installed MythDora (1.3.1) and was very impressed with the ease
and speed at which I managed to install it. The initial install went
fine, then it came up after the reboot and asked about my display - again,
I was impressed it had my display listed. It then restarted again and
gets as far as 'Configuring kernel parameters:' and will remain blank
forever more.

I'm hoping someone's going to tell me I'm being stupid and have been
spoiled by Fisher Price - My First Linux distros like SuSE and that all I
have to do is type 'go'... I think I'm being a little naive, though.

Yours hopefully,


I'm glad you found the install relatively easy. You don't mention what video
card your using. If you happen to be using any of the various video card
did you leave all the boxes checked when you chose a card in setup? If not, especially using an Nvidia card, this would have left out a needed package.
And like some had just said, it may very well be a problem with rhgb even
though I have never experienced this. Version 1.4 will be out soon and rhgb
will be removed from bootup in this version.


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