
I use the to control my external directv box.  its an older
RCA model.  I had many of the same issues.  of note, I'm using the file to control my RCA!  do some reserach and make sure that
is the script for your model, or experiment with the ones you find.  I
have lots if you need them, just email and I'll send them over.

David has some good points.  the best way to trouble shoot is to be
root and try the script from the command line.  do something like 200  does it change to channel 200?  I had to chmod 777
/dev/ttyS0 to get it to work.  also, edit (vi) the script and make
sure it calls the ttys0 port.  some call other ports.

if all else fails in linux and you suspect your cable (did it ever
work?) then there is a window program that you can use to change
channels from a windows box (have to google it, forget name. )  that
works very well and can tell you if the basics are in place.
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