Sorry.  This is erroranous data.

Somehow the recording may not have stopped when I thought I had stopped

When I press R/r while in live tv viewing mode, mythtv will respond by
saying "Recording ..." and fades away.  No icons or any info are
displayed showing tv is actively being recorded.    (Think I'm finding
out later, mythtv schedules the entire 30 minute + section for recording
or something, but I usually find pressing R/r not doing any recording.)

Pressing R/r again, simply shows "Recording ..." again. 

>From mythtv documentation, R or r should toggle start/stop recording.
(cycles through types?)

It looks as if the default 480x480 profile is being used, but mythtv is
just recording @ 720 x 480 (the output resolution of /dev/v4l/video0).
Which is just fine and dandy by me until I want to save disk space by
reducing the resolution.

>From the looks of it, mythtv does not transcode while recording at the
same time -- Or it is not possible with this hardware (external usb
mpeg2 tv card)?  I can see however, mythtv will execute a
script/transcode after recording has stopped.

(Think I'll just spend the day with tinkering with mythtv.  See how much
more stupid mythtv makes me look. :-)

Key fingerprint = 8977 A252 2623 F567 70CD 1261 640F C963 1005 1D61

Thu Aug 4 12:53:52 PDT 2005

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