Just updated my box to knoppmyth R5A16, with Myth 0.18.1.
I have two PVR-250's and a BT848 card in the box.  I'm getting
nothing recorded on the BT848 card, even though I can unmute the
line-in and get audio.  Myth apparently isn't recording from line in,
even though capture is set on the line-in.  I've double checked
with aplay /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp0 and get the usual output, like it should
be recording, and have verified that my tuner card setup is set to capture
on /dev/dsp. Also tried /dev/dsp0, with no change.
When I originally set up the machine, I only set up the two pvr-250 cards,
leaving the BT848 un-initialized in myth. (IE, I didn't set the card up in setup) Then finished setup and ran myth for a couple days. Then added the last card.

My question is, is there a setting in the mysql database that would be causing
a problem with audio input on the new card definition?  Should ALL three
cards be setup at the same time?  There were some logistical reasons for
doing it the way I did, and it would be somewhat of a hassle to dump my current
recordings right now to reinstall.

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