I have been trying to get MythTV to run SUID for a couple days now but it 
simply refuses to.  The log always shows 

2005-08-04 17:38:33.495 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.

I've always had this working in the past, and I've done nothing different with 
this installation with the exception of having a slightly more up-to-date 
version of MythTV, and probably some updated system packages.  I am running 
SVN R6990 on Gentoo, with kernel 2.6.12-gentoo-r7 (I just tried 
2.6.12-gentoo-r4 because I thought that's what I had last time with this 
machine, but I get the same results).

I've tried numerous variations of chmod even though I know the way I've always 
done it is right....these include:

chmod +s /usr/bin/mythfrontend /usr/bin/mythtv
chmod u+s /usr/bin/mythfrontend /usr/bin/mythtv
chmod a+s /usr/bin/mythfrontend /usr/bin/mythtv
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/mythfrontend /usr/bin/mythtv

The permissions do get set right, as I can see them with "ls".

Is there anything else in the system that could possibly have an effect on the 
SUID bit?  Is this possibly a MythTV bug that I should file?

Looking through the archives I noticed that others have had this problem in 
the past, but have come up with no solution other than workarounds like 
running mythfrontend as root, renicing it, or running it using sudo.  One 
mentioned removing the line in mythfrontend.cpp that says "setuid(getuid())", 
but this is an unacceptable hack in my opinion, if it even actually works, 
and should be treated as a bug.  I also saw someone mention that the feature 
was disabled entirely in .17, but I don't believe this because it worked fine 
fairly recently.  Finally, I saw a post saying some newer distros/kernels 
disallow SUID or something, like RedHat with it's SELinux stuff.  I have no 
SELinux kernel or anything related to it installed on this system.

I'm out of ideas.  Any help?



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