Michael T. Dean wrote:

> Eric Jensen wrote:
>> While watching TV and on all of our recordings is a blue line a few
>> pixels high and going the full length of the TV.  I've searched through
>> the archives and tried running: `xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 0` but it
>> didn't work.  Is there anything else I can try?  I am capturing with a
>> Happauge PVR-250 and outputting with a nVidia GeForce 3, running FC3.
> Didn't work returned "bash: xvattr: command not found" or didn't work
> returned "Error: Can't open display: :0" or didn't work ran it while
> the video was playing and the line didn't go away or didn't work ran
> it before starting playback and the video was there during playback...

Didn't work as in the command ran fine, said it updated the value
properly but the blue bar is still at the bottom of the screen. If the
command gave an error I don't think I would assume there was something
wrong with that solution, but that I need to keep working until the
command no longer gave an error. I also tried setting it to a few other
values, including 10 and 30 with no luck.  So my questions is, could
there be another problem or a different solution to the suspected problem?


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