On 8/4/05, David Whyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm...Using the TSOP flash method, you can solder two pointds on the
> main board (for 1.2, 1.3, which I have anyways) and the use the
> mechassault game to load the linux bootloader thingo to flash the
> Thats my understanding from the docs at xbox-linux.org :|
> This weekend is going to be fun :P

I've hacked a couple of xboxes (one 1.6 one earlier model) without
having to use any soldering.
Key to this is already having a hacked xbox, so that you can create a
correctly formatted memory card (find the savegames at xbins). Or you
could download one (I have it here somewhere...), and use 'dd', to get
it onto a USB memory stick, and use a converter cable to connect that
to the Xbox.
You can easily make those cables yourself (xbox-linux, or one of the
forums will probably have an explanation) or do as I did, and buy one
for 7.95 EUR...

You can google 'ltools xbox' to get more info.

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