> On 8/7/05, Timothy G. Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Is anybody else seeing this? Did I miss one of the many settings? Should it
> > work like that? To me it seems like unless I'm running out of hard drive
> > space or I explicitly tell it "When episode limit is full, delete old,
> > record new" MythTV should *never* auto delete an episode, even if it is over
> > the episode limit.
> This is exactly what it seems like the episode limit does, and
> probably should do.  This way if you get low on space you can resolve
> it by setting episode limits and having mythtv automatically take care
> of which episodes to delete for you.
> I'm not able to check my setup at the moment, but I would hope there's
> some way to lock specific episodes to prevent automatic deletion.  If
> not, that's the feature it sounds like we need in this case.

There is not a way to do this. It would be nice.

Another potential feature, which would be big WAF in my house, is some
way of marking shows as having been viewed by all the people that want
to watch them. I record a few shows for myself, but about 60% of what
we record is for both my wife and I, and we are forever deleting
things before the other one has had a chance to watch. It would be
nice to have some option in the setup to say which users wanted to be
involved in deletion, and then an option in the deletion message that
says something along the lines of 'mark for deletion by user 'Mark',

Along these same lines are position save by user. My wife saves a
position in the episode she's watching. I come along and start
watching and that deletes her position.

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