Eileen Webb wrote:

Hi all,
I've just started building my Myth system and wanted to run an idea by more experienced users to make sure I'm not crazy.

Here's the story: I live out in the middle of nowhere where the only TV that exists is satellite (DirecTV, in our area). I have some family moving nearby who is going to get a system, which by default comes with FOUR set-top boxes! Four is a lot of boxes for only two people, and they have graciously offered us the use of one of the extra boxes.

So I got this great idea that I'd set up a Myth system at their house, program it from my house (yeah for web interface!), and record myself some TV. My plan is to have a two or three removable hard drives (actually, just some normal drives that are easy to access) and I would swap them around to record shows. So stuff would get recorded onto driveA, then at some point I'd come by and swap it with driveB. Then recording could continue on driveB and I'd take driveA home with me and watch it there. The computer at home would also have Myth, so the file types and arrangements should still work, and I'll get to play with the game emulator, too!

Does this make sense? Does it seem at all feasible? From the outside, it seems pretty simple, but those are famous last words. I would love any thoughts on this plan -- tips from anyone who has done anything similar, horror stories on why I am doomed, whatever.

I'm considering the same thing with my father who gets DirectTV. My thought was to use an external hard disk , not as the primary recording device, but as a storage location. I am planning to use the post-recording user job functions to copy the recording to the removable disk, and export the SQL needed to reimport the recording to my computer (including seektables, etc). This way, I don't have to worry about what happens when things get full as I can let MythTV handle that with auto-expire + re-record and I can remove the disk at any time (the copy/export will simply fail in that case) for transport. To handle the case of what happens when I remove the disk and miss a copy/export operation, I had thought of writing a simple script that I can cron that will check the job queue results, look for failed jobs of this type, and re-run them on a scheduled basis so that they would be picked up again when the disk was reinserted. Or else I would just buy 2 disks and swap them in and out to avoid the problem altogether.

My other thought was to make the remote system a slave backed using an SSH VPN type connection and just move the files to my computer post-recording and change the hostname in the DB but I'm still not convinced that is the best way to go vs. removable storage.

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