I am reading the vobs that myth creates when it transcodes the movies. I read a couple of other places that when you are using perfect it gets all languages and you specify which one. If I have to specify when I rip where would I specify this? Thanks for helping


On 8/12/05, Ryan Steffes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8/12/05, Allan Wilson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I keep getting French or Director's commentary instead of English on some of my ripped movies. When I play the dvd from the dvd drive it plays fine. I have read some other posts that recommend using the -alang en and aid 128 options and I have enabled both on my command line in the mplayer command line, but nothing seems to help. How can I trouble shoot this problem further. I tried playing the vob file with the -v option but did not see a reference to language tracks available. I see where other people are having this problem but never really see complete answers. Thanks for any help


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When you say, from your ripped movies, do you mean from  vobs or from avi's?

It's necessary to use -aid 128 or -alang en during the transcoding process.  If you try to do it later, and the wrong language was selected, you're stuck.


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