All I do is tell myth to use the DVD Special 2 (or something like that) encoder and set a highish bit rate. I take the nuv file and directly feed it into Nero Vision Express. I don't lose any quality in re-encoding as it's already in mpeg2 format needed for DVD. Don't put in any CC or other VBI data, Nero doesn't seem to like that too much.

It's quite simple.  I create all the menus I want within Nero.

I'm all for Linux, but sometimes it's the tool that's more important than the OS for a specific job.

# Endaf

Brad Fuller wrote:

What do most people do when they want to make a DVD from a show?

I don't want anything fancy, and I'm not archiving. I just have a show (PVR 250 mpeg2) that I want to make a playable DVD out of (so that it can be burned, placed into a commercial DVD player, push play and viola).

I searched the archives, but most discuss fancy edits and archiving. I have yet to update my old mythtv install so I don't have the fancy mythtv tools. Just need something in linux that'll work.


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