
Try turning off GLX. Comment out the "Load GLX" line in the modules section. It worked for me on my debian system. I never figured out why, but its worth a shot. I don't have a composite out on my card, so I don't know if your problem is the same. I was finding that whenever I tried to use the SVideo out, X would crash with a signal 11 until I disabled the GLX module.

Let me know if it works. It would be nice to know that somebody else on earth was having the same problem as me.

mythtv-users mailing list

For the record, you are not the only one having this problem. I am having the same issue right now. To get X to work I commented out the "Load glx" line, but now znes doesn't work. It all happened after a glibc update. I'm running gentoo. PITA but...
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