--- Phill Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I have everything working nicely in my mythtv box
> but it would be great if
> > mythcommflag could actually remove the commercials
> from the mpeg2 my
> > pvr150 puts out. I watch most of my recordings
> with vlc through mythweb so
> > it would need to be done automatically when
> commercials are flagged, and
> > I'd rather not use something like nuvexport. I
> haven't been able to find
> > anything exactly like this on the mailing list.
> Any suggestions?
> Not sure, but maybe run mythtranscode with the
> --honorcutlist flag?
> Maybe give it a try.
> Regards,
> Phill

I used the program found here:


This will cut the commercials and reinsert the program
back into the database without having to transcode or
change container format.


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