Joe Barnhart wrote:
--- Richard Bronosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I chose KnoppMyth for
illusion of simplicity, but was made to feel like a complete idiot. 

This is harsh.  I wouldn't criticize KnoppMyth too heavily until you've
tried installing Myth on your own using another distro.

I'm not being harsh, or criticizing KnoppMyth.  I've never tried to install any other MythTV, I would have no basis on which to criticize.  I don't feel that any open source project is ever responsible for my personal inadequacies.  Quite the contrary, I'm a conservative.  I believe in personal responsibility.  I'm simply saying that hearing KnoppMyth described as a bootdisk install for MythTv and an OS, gave me this grand vision of a quick and easy Macintosh style software install.  And what I learned is that I'm not the big Linux Hustler I thought I was, again, NOT KnoppMyth's fault.  Because I program 10 hours a day using VIM and I can write RegEx patterns with my eyes closed, I thought I was big stuff.  I got humbled.  I was made to feel like an idiot. It happens.  A good developer accepts it, learns something new, and is better because of it.

2.  I now have my network working.  (I know because I used a text
browser to hit  But, I cannot get the DataDirect
Listings" button to do anything.

Logs are your friends.  Something left a message somewhere, you just
need to find it.

3.  I did setup my PVR-500 as 2 cards, /dev/video0 tuner0 &
tuner0, and associate my "Comcast Cable" source to each.  But when I
to Watch Live TV, I get a black screen.  I know I'm not locked up
because I can Crtl+Alt+F1-F6 to get to other tty's.  But to get that
session (tty7) back I must reboot.  What am I doing wrong here?  Is
there a log I can check?

There is a log for mythbackend.  The mythfrontend log must be enabled
"manually" by starting mythfrontend from a window and giving it a debug
flag.  I suspect your problem is the database isn't initialized for
some reason.
Good idea, I'll figure out how to get the MythFrontend to log too.  Thanks for the tip.
4. I tried watching a DVD from my NEC 16xDL-DVD-RW but the Xine
flashes for a second and then I'm back to the MythTV GUI.  I tried
ripping a DVD but it keeps telling me there are no jobs.  What am I
doing wrong here?  Is there a log I can check?

You're trying to watch an encrypted DVD which Hollywood lawyers
consider illegal.  You need to install libdecss.  Check out the
Knoppmyth forum for hints -- SEARCH the forum, don't bother asking this
question, you'll just get spanked.

Yeah, I wouldn't bother asking how to do something as commonly asked as installing libdvdcss (I chose that one instead, BTW)  But to find out that I needed it at all was a valid request I think.  (Oh, and it worked, BTW. "apt-get update; apt-get install libdvdcss;" No problems.)

Feel free to to kick, troll, and insult me, but please offer
assistance too.

I recommend you head over to the Knoppmyth forum at and search for answers, plus ask
questions.  Regardless of your opening statement, KnoppMyth *IS* the
easiest way to get a Myth box up and running, and Cecil, Dale and the
others have worked very hard to make it that way.  (Just because it's
"easiest" it doesn't make it "easy.")  When you come to the forum,
please respect the hard work others have done to make the process
simpler for those of us who follow.

No disrespect.  Just being real.  I'm not one of those geeks that feels the need to inflate their abilities.
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