On 8/18/05, Ted Healey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lirc works great save for one thing, for me. I bought a serial
> receiver from the lirc.org recommended german guy and it works great,
> very good reception from a long ways away. i configured it with the
> HOWTO, literally copy and paste and load the modules and it worked
> right away.
> I would like to have sticky keys turned on, but I have a problem. I
> have the ffwd key assigned to Right, and when I hit it, it says
> Forward, and then in the console I get Prebuffering pause, and the
> display more or less freezes until I hit the Play button and then it
> plays just fine. (no xmvc, standard definition programming, nvidia
> card / driver...)
> I tried >, and >> and most everything else I could think in lircrc of
> but the combination of lirc and ffwd and sticky keys and Left and
> Right just doesn't work like every other button does.
> irw looks fine, it is getting the right mappings out of /etc/lircd.conf..
> If I use the keyboard, and hit the Right key, it goes forward and works great.
> So, just to get it working, I turned sticky keys off. Now, when I hit
> the fast forward button, it goes ahead 30 seconds as I would expect.
> If I hit it again pretty soon (typically there are 3-5 commercials
> lined up), then it for some reason does a Jump Ahead (10 minutes).
> The cure for this seems to be to hit the forward button, let it go 30
> secs, then wait however long until the OSD goes away, and once I'm
> sure it's done, then hit forward again, which then goes 30 seconds
> again.
> Really not a problem for me, but for everyone else in the family they
> wind up in unexpected places, it's counterintuitive. The keyboard
> worked great for everyone, with the keyboard it was Tivo-like sticky
> keys where it accelerates the more times you hit Forward, you hit
> Enter and it plays and everyone is happy.
> Any ideas appreciated.

>From the keys.txt file:

Without the stickykeys option selected:

- Left arrow to rewind the configured number of seconds.  (default is 5)
- Right arrow to fast forward the configured number of seconds. (default is 30)
- < starts rewind mode as if stickykeys are selected.
- > starts fast forward mode as if stickykeys are selected.

With the stickykeys option selected:

- Right starts fast forward mode.
- Left starts rewind mode.
   While in fast forward or rewind mode.
   - Left/Right increases the ff/rew speed.
   - 0 plays at normal speed, but leaves the time indicator on screen.
   - 1 or 2 plays back more slowly than normal ff/rew speed (1 is slowest).
   - 3 plays back at normal ff/rew speed.
   - 4 - 9 plays back faster than normal ff/rew speed (9 is fastest).
   - Space exits fast forward or rewind mode.

I'd check to see if the remote buttons are assigned to any other
actions (esp skips which are PgUp and PgDown) in your lircrc file.
Maybe they are interfering with each other? Up, Down, Left and Right
are the names used in the lircrc file for the cursor keys, so I'd
check to make sure that they are appropriately configured.

Apart from that, and because the keyboard works normally, as long as
the remote is configured accordingly, it 'should just work'. Have you
tried assigning unused buttons (if you have one) to Left and Right to
see if the problem persists.

I'd also make sure your database tables are free from errors as this
too can cause erratic skipping.

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