I have a problem that is driving me crazy.  I'm trying to setup a new master
backend and everytime I run mythtv-setup, it hangs at some point during the
first initial screens.  Most of the time, it hangs on the first screen
asking me if I want to clear the capture card info.  By hang, I mean the
whole system seems to go unresponsive - no SSH, no keyboard, nothing.  Only
a hard reset will bring it back.  It doesn't always seem to happen at the
same spot, sometimes I won't get any text on the buttons, sometimes I do but
can't select anything.  Sometimes I can select something and move to the
next screen but it will lock up then.  I can never get to the main menu of
setup.  This system is destined to be a Master backend only - no frontend.

My specs:

Gentoo - 2.6.12-r6
MythTV - CVS (from current over the past week)
QT - 3.3.4-r3
Ivtv - 0.3.7f with PVR150MCE
No sound card
./configure'd with no options
Ran qmake mythtv.pro

I'm not sure what else is relevant at this point and I've been trying to
search the mail archives for anything I can think of regarding this.  I've
seen issues where qt-3.3.4 may not be compatable?  But I can't seem to get
gentoo to want to emerge anything but the latest version.  I haven't tried
downloading 3.3.3 yet but will probably try that soon unless someone has
some other clues?  Please?



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