--- Garth Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have not been able to find much documentation for resizing the
> menus
> to deal with overscan.  Has anyone had good results with that at
> 1920x1080i?  I have seen one or two examples for NTSC.  I cannot see
> any checkboxes and normally cannot see parts of the bottom row of
> buttons.  I can deal with the overscan on TV/Videos, but the menu
> system is rather hard.  Appreciate any offerings.
> BTW:
> Pioneer Elite 610HD, via VGA
> FC3 using the atrpms
> Asus A7N8X-D for video and audio.

I have pretty much the same setup as you (PRO-510D w/VGA).  Sadly, I'm
away from home right now and I don't know how to read my setup via SSH
(since it's on the X screens used to config myth).  I can send a
message to you when I'm back in front of my system next Saturday.

It would be REALLY NICE if the person maintaining the setup screens
would accomodate the fact that all TVs overscan, making the setup next
to impossible when viewing on a TV.  (Someday I will figure out how to
create setup screens on my own and revamp them all, but I know nothing
about Qt so this will take awhile.)

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