On 8/21/05, Justin & Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I must first of all thank all of those who have helped me get my myth system
> off the ground.
> My current dillema is probably simple to resolve but i am unable to work out
> how to do it.
> Hardware:
> p4 2.8Ghz processor, 512 DDR ram, Asus P5p800 mainboard, Dvico DVB-T lite
> card, 250GB SATA HDD,Gigabyte GVN4464TE(NVIDIA MX 440 8x) video card, fedora
> core 2.6.11-1.35.
> The above setup works a treat - i can get all other functions apart from the
> live TV and recording og live TV.

Have you been able to get output from the DVB-T card using dvbscan etc
(i.e. outside of MythTV) to make sure the card is loaded OK? Once it
is determined the card is functioning, I'd try entering mythtv-setup
and setting up the DVB card, then trying to scan for channels (if you
haven't already). If this all works, trying scheduling a recording 
and seeing if it works. If it does, it may be a problem with your
video card's setup and not the DVB card.

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