I'm getting ready to build a MythTV box and my big issue right now is how to get high quality SDTV output from the machine. I do not consider the s-video output port found on most video cards to be anything close to high quality. I am not aware of a video card that will output a true 480i signal, all of the ones I'm aware of force the image through scalers which destroy the quality. I want to be able to take interlaced video in, keep it interlaced while it's encoded, and then output it as interlaced video. I am also aware of the Hauppauge PVR-350, but this card seems to have a number of compromises with regards to non-MPEG2 output. I do want to use the MythTV box for AVIs, MP3s and console games (SNES, etc.). I am vaguely aware of Cory Papenfuss's VGA to NTSC transcoder but my soldering skills are pretty poor and I can't seem to find the schematics anymore. I've also seen on this list that some newer nVidia cards can do component output but I haven't seen anything that confirms that they can do a 480i signal. Also, these cards seem to have some issues with Xv video acceleration. With that said, I hope some people on this list know of some cards or tricks that I am not aware of, or areas where I am just plain wrong. Right now I am only looking for s-video or component SDTV only.

Thank you,
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