On Sun, 2005-08-21 at 05:59, Gera Makarov wrote:
> Did anyone have problems with tv-out on 350? I got mythtv working, can
> watch live tv on my computer (although the pq is not that great) but
> when trying to output pvr350 to tv it's not working. I'm running FC4
> with all the latest updates. I followed the instructions (for FC3) on
> http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/fcmyth.php?SID&expandables=closed&ivtv=open&pvr350out=open#capture
> Please help.
> Thanks in advance.

I initially had a few problems setting up TV out for the PVR-350.  With
some help from the list and the realization that I had not expanded and
read one of the sections of Jarod's guide I got it work.  Been working
great for the last 6 months.  

Just make sure you expand all the sections in Jarod's guide dealing with
the capture cards.  There are some specific things with the PVR-350 you
need to do in order to get this working and they are documented in
guide, you just need to find them.

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