Right I know how to record every episode, what I'd like to do is record at most some number of episodes per day while being able to record off multiple channels (any channel any time) and using dupe checking along with auto expire.  Example Law and Order is shown 4 times per day as some special event.  If I only keep 2 episodes, the current result is that 4 episodes would be recorded and 2 would be dumped before I got a chance to watch them.  Now if there were something on that was lower priority but not necessarily of less interest during the first 2 episodes that would not get recorded because the 2 episodes of law and order I will never watch would have been.  What I would like is some way to set the scheduler so that it will only record 2 episodes, I don't really care which 2 but I would propose that it record episodes w/o conflict or where the priority difference is the biggest.

Nick wrote:
On 8/21/05, Bryan Halter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It would be nice if in addition to a maximum number of episodes to be
stored there were a way to set the maximum number of episodes of a show
to be recorded in a day.  The reason I suggest that is that on a normal
day Law and Order is only on about twice but if they have a marathon and
show a bunch more episodes the normal retention policy causes all but
the last 2 not to be kept, but all the episodes get recorded unless
something with higher priority is on inbetween.  The result is that
things that normally would get recorded don't and from the end user's
point of view only 2 episodes of Law and Order got recorded.  I realize
this can all be fixed by knowing ahead of time and tweaking the settings
in MythWeb or in mythfrontend but it would be nice not to have to.

What about setting it to record the show at all times on the channel,
using no dupe policy, no auto-expire, and setting it to store 0
recordings. I am under the impression (perhaps misguided ...) that
this should record every episode and not delete any.

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