Oh for crying out loud.... think laterally...

Download a bootable win98 iso with included CD drivers...
Burn it and boot the mythbox with it...
Take the disk out and burn it again with the flash util and the flash bin file (you may need 10MB juck file to pad out the CD)....
Stick it back in the mythbox and run the flash util and reflash the bios...

My MythTV box needs the BIOS updated.  This can only be done from
Windows, or a Windows 98 boot disk.  My MythTV Box doesn't have a floppy
drive.  (They are ugly and hold next to nothing.)  So I got the win98SE
boot iso from

Using nothing but Linux I must modify the iso to add 2 files and then
burn.  I have 1 CD-RW to do this with.  I've tried for HOURS to find a
solution!!!  How can this be this hard?

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