Thanks for all of your help. Thanks to everyone I now have a
functional system...
now just to iron out a few bugs:

(1) Xebian Xbox MythTV front end

This probably applies to Debian as a whole, but here goes. I want to
add a SMB share to my bootup sequence. Because of a space in the
windows directory it doesn't want to go into the fstab. I can run an
smbmount on the command line, but i would like this to be automated. I
am a linux retard and can't find something equivalent to an
autoexec.bat for linux. I have heard a lot of talk about rc.local but
Xebian has rc.directories which are full of scripts. I just need this
one smbmount command run on bootup.. any ideas? (i tried adding it to
the but it just doesnt mount)... thanks!

(2) MythWeb backend logs

Every function works on the mythweb page except backend logs. When I
click on that I see only \\. Are logs not available viz mythweb? Any
idea what I could do to fix this? Is it a privellege thing, or a
misplaced file thing? I am running Fedora Core 4.

Finally, i dont suppose anyone has a tip for upgrading my system? i
believe i saw an apt-get update command somewhere and i will probably
look it up one of these days, but in the meantime if someone has a
command or two that should result in a failsafe upgrade, i would be

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