On 8/23/05, Ryan Steffes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Or direct links to the 2:
> > http://curvins.com/myth/ffwd-lines-5MB.avi
> > http://curvins.com/myth/ffwd-lines-end-5MB.avi
> > 
> > If anyone can offer any feedback, it would be much appreciated.  I 
> > have ruled out a single channel, the clip is from DragonBall Z (my
> > brother loves the show :) ) recorded from Cartoon Network.  So it's
> > SpikeTV and Cartoon Network so far, I don't record much else, but it
> > would seem to not be a channel issue at this point. 
> > ________________________
> > 
> > 
> Have you tried fine tuning the channels?  Are you getting any errors in
> dmesg from the video driver or in the backend logs?  It almost looks like
> you are losing the channel lock.
> Ryan
> _______________________________________________

I haven't actually.  But...  The channels are analog cable.  It's not
specific to any channel, it happens on any recording, and seems to be
happening more and more often on nearly every recording.  I get a
great image on regular TV when I watch it (not fed through the
computer, just plugged directly into a TV) and this never happens.

I'll give that a try though, I will also try switching out any other
cables that I have for RG6-Quad and quality connectors just to rule
that out as well.

Any other suggestions are welcome, I'm really stumped.  I'll probably
upgrade my kernel to see if that does anything (the bttv driver is
from my kernel).  I haven't seen anything in any logs, not the backend
log, nor my kernel logs, but I'll look em over again to see if I
missed something.

Thanks again!
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