Jim Reith wrote:
> One wrinkle I've seen with the DVDs I've burned using Martin's MythBurn
> modifications is that the first chapter in the chapter menu isn't
> selectable to start (on my DVD player) If I cursor to the second one it
> starts fine and then if I skip backwards I can get it to play the first
> chapter but the first one isn't playable (it does get selected/highlighted)
> from the chapter menu. Anyone got any thoughts on that?

I observed this same problem.  One other problem was with the creation
of chapters.  The movie I was archiving was about 2 hours long.  The
first 10 chapters were about 2 minutes each, and the last chapter was
about 1-1/2 hours.

Overall, though, mythburn worked well for me.  I am very, very pleased
to have a working solution after being bitten far too many times by the
PVR-x50 a/v sync issue that Cory Papenfuss has explained so often.
Thanks so much to Martin for working on this.

By the way, I use Debian, and I didn't have any problems getting the
dependencies and permissions set up.  The only wrinkle was to create a
projectx executable that user 'www-data' (the username that runs apache)
could run.
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