> I don't know if I classify as a linux noob anymore given I have been
> running myth for a year, but I have never really delved into window
> managers and stuff.  I am running FC2 with Gnome and therefore (?)
> metacity.
> My question is, and yes I did search the interweb, how easy is it to
> install and play with this ratpoison WM without screwing up my nice
> setup.  If I can get it to work good the way I want it to, I might
> keep ratpoison, but just in case I want to be able to go back.
> Is it merely a case of doing an apt-get for ratpoison and then
> tweaking a config file somewhere?

I got it working pretty quickly (couple of hours, say) and I'm no
expert either! I can send you my configs for it if you like which may
save you some time. I'm on FC3 with ATRPMs. The main issue you may
have is that some auto-start stuff may work by virtue of being in
KDE's autostart dir, so if moving to Ratpoison you have to start them
in a different way.

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