On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 06:04:55PM -0400, Isaac Richards wrote:
> What do you need XvMC for on an amd64 system?  I can pretty easily decode, 
> deinterlace, and display three 1080i streams simultaneously with pure 
> software decoding on my dev system.  Might be able to do four with a little 
> tweaking, if I cared to.  Granted, it's a dual-core 4400+, but that's similar 
> enough to two 3500+ chips that I can't imagine 1080i not playing smoothly in 
> software on almost any xp 64.

On my AMD64 3000+ system, 1080i stutters badly.  I don't even think about 
trying to deinterlace.  Output at 480p works ok, but then what's the
point (my display only does 1080i or 480p)?

The system is an nFroce4 Ultra socket 939 board.  XvMC would be a big
help on this marginal system.

Do you have some suggestions on optimizing software playback on AMD64??  

On another note, the recent (last 2 weeks worth) Myth svn changes have
cured my status mismatch between the backend and frontend, the can only
record one show before restarting the backend, and the live tv works when it
feels like it problems I've been having (pcHD3000 DVB drivers).

Thanks for the fine software, each svn change seems to make things a bit


Patrick Ouellette                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   Amateur Radio: KB8PYM 
Living life to a Jimmy Buffett soundtrack
"Crank the amp to 11, this needs more cowbell - and a llama wouldn't hurt 
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