On 8/25/05, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I switched from mplayer to xine today (the current mplayer
> vulnerability was just the impulse to finally take the time and do
> it...), and playback works great - except for one minor annoyance:
> After I played a DVD or a MythVideo file with xine, QT widget controls
> won't accept focus anymore. E.g. I can't quit using Ctrl-Esc, because
> wile the buttons are displayed, there's no way to set focus onto
> either one. (Luckily Esc works to get me back to main menu.) The same
> goes for any configuration screens: I can see the buttons and input
> fields but can't access them. Anything that's in the skinnable part if
> the UI or playback and editing works fine.
> I searched the archives and found someone else had a similar problem
> back in February - unfortunately nobody had an answer back then:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/112126
> As a workaround, that person re-enabled access by going to the
> Appearance screen - widgets would function normally after that. I also
> found a way to re-enable the widgets: If I go to the screen with my
> recordings and press D to delete one, I'll get the confirmation box
> with - again - no way to focus either button. However, once I back out
> of this box via Esc, all the widgets on all screens are functioning
> normally again.
> This is all on a Gentoo with mythtv 0.18.
> qt is at 3.3.4-r2
> WM is blackbox 0.65.0-r3
> My xine commands are:
> Video: xine -pfhq --no-splash %s
> DVD: xine -pfhqd -no-splash
> (I know the d-option is deprecated, but for some reason --auto-scan
> dvd:// doesn't work for me...)
> Does anyone have any idea what might the culprit here?
> Thanks.
> Jens

In another thread today about window managers Mike Dean posted the
following.  One of the links might fix your problem.

"My workaround:

Later in the thread, Mike Ford posted a solution, but I haven't had a
chance to test it out, myself...


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