I just joined the list so I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned or not, but for my frontends I control them via synergy( http://sourceforge.net/projects/synergy2 ). It just allows you scroll your mouse over in either direction and it becomes part of the next screen. Allow it doesn't forward video, so you'd have to have it connected to a tv already.


Chad wrote:

On 8/25/05, Mickey Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 09:25 PM 8/25/2005, Andrew Ziobro wrote:
>I use VNC to connect to the machine from my laptop.

Right.  I have VNC as well, but will that send output to the TV or
does it ultimately act as an independent XWindows session.  Perhaps
that's my answer and I'm just unclear on what VNC actually
does.  Frankly, I'd love to be wrong this once and have the answer
sitting at my fingertips.

Mickey Chandler
Chief Operating Whizard
Whizardries, Inc.: <http://www.whizardries.com>
Our new site: <http://www.my-debt-reduction-plan.com/>

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To connect to the currently running X session, I use x11vnc

Very easy to use, very cool.

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