Nathan Hesson wrote:

This is sort of off topic but I like to watch shows that I have recorded on my windoze laptop, I tried booting a frontend off of knoppmyth but i get no audio. anyway i use the dsmyth filters and it is able to grab the appropriate program info from the db and display it inside my smb mount. My question is, does anyone know if it is possible to mirror a copy of a database without having to export and reimport everything. I have mysql running on my laptop and it would be cool to be able to copy files (travelling) and just point the database elsewhere to get the program info.

Mysql is just set of files ( /var/lib/mysql/mythconverg/* )

In *theory* and I've never tried this - you could use a "rsync for windows" ( to sync between your myth box and your windows laptop.

I'm talking off-the-top of my head here and I might have the wrong end of the stick in terms of what you are after



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