I'm expecting good HD playback, once I get to that point, but since there's no HD source around here, I'm not working on that too hard.  It will probably work the system pretty hard, but it's a dedicated box.

As for fitting the cards in the case, yes, you can, provided you're patient and don't mind bending some metal.  The PVR-250 was actually harder, it's about 2mil taller than the HD3000.  I also had problems with the solder points on the PVR touching the HD tuner (or the other way 'round), which dictated which card went in which slot.

Finally, I did end up having to bend out the little metal tab on the chassis that clips to the card carrier, as it would not fit with the PVR.  A minor adjustment that makes the final finish a little less-than-perfect, but it's hidden behind the case.  I also had to file out space for the coax connectors, as they were touching the chassis, and due to the length of the barrel on the HD card, I couldn't get a good antenna connection.  The PVR has a huge barrel, and that's not a problem.

On 8/29/05, Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just saw you haven't gotten the HD card working yet.

Zak wrote:

> Thanks for the info!  So, you were able to fit the HD-3000 in the
> Pundit-R case OK?  Also, is HD playback pretty smooth with the intel
> 2.53GHz p4 Northwood?  I'm about to give up on the xbox, but if I go
> to dedicated PCs I want to do HD.
> Thanks!
> Blastzone wrote:
>> After almost 5 months of work, I finally have a running MythTV
>> system!  I'm looking forward to having real recording, show archives,
>> and all of those fun things you can do with Myth.  It's been a pretty
>> big project, and I ran into quite a few roadblocks along the way.
>> I've put many of my notes online, in the hopes that they might help
>> others with their systems.  They're pretty stream-of-thought, but
>> there are nuggets of info in there, I'm sure.
>> If you're looking at putting together a system based on an ASUS
>> pundit-r, I recommend looking through at least the first part of my
>> notes.  The motherboard on those systems does not like SATA Hard
>> Drives & PATA DVD drives.
>> I also ran into issues with segfaulting internal players, hauppauge
>> tuners that wouldn't initialize, HD-3000 cards and no OTA HD
>> broadcasts.  You can find my comments at:
>> http://www.blastzone.net/~kamikazi/hardware/mythtv
>> <http://www.blastzone.net/%7Ekamikazi/hardware/mythtv >
>> Thanks again to all online who helped!
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