BTW, what method did you use to upgrade? Was it something similar to what was described in that link? I also didn't answer your question it seems... There is a 10 gig (roughly IIRC) root partition which I expect can be backed up in the way you suggest. I'd still like to hear people's experiences with the various upgrade methods though :-)


On 8/30/05, Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is the 300Gb on a separate partition?  If so, then you should be able to
just backup the root drive.  PLEASE NOTE - I am basing this solely off
of my experience installing FC4 over FC1.  My LVM partition information
was preserved, so all I had to do was remount those drives and all of my
data was still there.

Darren Black wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm considering upgrading m mythbox to Fedora Core 4. I followed
> Jarrod's guide to set up my system initially, although I have a number
> of other services and bits and bobs running on it now. I was
> considering using the method described here:
> What I'd really like is any experience (especially bad!!) using this
> procedure or any others. Quite simply, I am unable to perform a full
> backup of my system at present (gonna need to get a 300Gb+ external
> drive before that's a realistic prospect) and would like to know what
> experiences people have had with the upgrade process.
> Cheers,
> /drdaz
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