I use SSL, and my router only forwards port 443 to the
inside LAN, forwarding it to the MythTV machine. 
That, along with a .htaccess file makes it about as
secure as it's going to get.  (Short of tunnelling,
which I don't want to do).

I used to have port 22 (SSH) forwarded as well, but I
started getting a bunch of attempted SSH logins from
what must have been forged IP addresses (I think they
had something to do with the root DNS servers?).  Then
again, I'm currently on Comcrap, so there's probably a
script kiddie or two on the network.

-- Joe

--- Frank Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I'm really starting to like my MythTV box, this is a
> great project!
> In case its relevant I'm running myth 18.1 on Fedora
> Core 4.
> I'd like to be able to access mythweb from the
> public Internet (so
> that I can schedule recordings when I'm not at home
> etc..). With this
> in mind I cretaed an account with dyndns.org, and
> configured port
> forwarding on my router.
> I'm guessing that my next step should be to harden
> my Apache
> configuration? should I enable https? are there any
> other precautions
> that I should be taking? The last thing I want is
> some dirty hacker
> having their evil-way with my mythbox!
> If this covered in a howto or some other doc I'd
> appreciate a pointer.
> I searched, but I couldn't find anything that covers
> this specific
> topic... I saw the article on tunnelling through
> ssh[1], but I'd
> rather have a solution that my wife could use (she
> can certainly use a
> https site with a user name/password, but its a bit
> much to ask her to
> tunnel over ssh).
> thanks, 
> --Frank
> [1] 
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