Chad wrote:

On 9/1/05, Felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Michael T. Dean wrote:
Felix wrote:
Nick wrote:
On 9/1/05, Felix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've switched TV provider, and the new one doesn't have the converter.
So, the signal comes straight from coax wire. I set up video
source, and
linked Tuner0 input connection to this source, however, when I start
front end, I can only alternate (by pressing "C") between SVideo0 and
Composite0. Obviously, both of these aren't showing much.

Has anybody seen this? How can I tell MythTV to get input from Tuner?
Have you set up the channel names and numbers/frequencies for Tuner0?
Without these, MythTV is unable to tune to the channels on Tuner0.
Also, make sure your tuner is working with the correct driver and that
the device exists on the system.
I am pretty sure about the second part - I can watch TV in gmplayer
(I meant to mention that but forgot, sorry ;-).

As far the first part - set up channel numbers/frequencies, I think
you misunderstood my problem..
I don't think he did.  ;)
or rather I wasn't clear in explaining it.
I think you were.
It's not that I can't switch channels on Tuner0; the problem is that
I can't get MythTV to receive input from Tuner0 input. Changing
inputs on the card (by pressing "C" only goes from Composite 0 to
SVideo 0 and back). I also noticed one other peculiar thing. If I set
up to Tuner0 and then start MythTV, I get the input!
However, the line says Composite 0. Apparently, MythTV doesn't do
anything with the input source; but for wahtever reason, it doesn't
know about Tuner0 being a possible source. Pressing C at that moment
goes back to SVideo and (real) Composite - obviously, with no signal

And speaking of channel switching - I can't switch channels in
MythTV, either (but it isn't surprising, since apparently MythTV
"thinks" that it is Composite, and sends "switch channel" signal to
the wrong input). And I can switch channels on ptune-ui.
This--like Nick was trying to say--is the exact behavior you would get
if you had set up your capture card but had not yet set up channels
for the video source.  So, how about answering Nick's question?  "Have
you set up the channel names and numbers/frequencies for Tuner0?"

ok, then I don't know where and how should I set up the channel names
and numbers/frequencies for Tuner0... There is a channel editor in
setup... but it doesn't seem that I can set up anything there (or
rather, all the defaults that I got from zap2it look OK). And there is
nothing in front end setup that would allow me to do that... Can you
please hint :-[


In mythtv-setup you define a capture card.  After that, I think it's
option 4, Input Connections.  In that screen you assign a Video Source
(which you assumably setup) to an input on your tuner.  So, you would
assign, say your OTA channels to your "Television" option in Input
Connections.  The OTA channels are setup in the Video Source screen.

Hopefully that all makes sense and points you in the right direction.

Good Luck.

I *did* set up Capture card with input from Tuner0. And I *did* set up Video sources to my cable company. And I *did* set up input connection (indeed option 4) to link this video source with the capture card. And I *looked* in Channel Editor after I ran myfilldatabase - everything looks OK. So, it all makes sense but doesn't move me too far :-( . I still don't understand the comment earlier about setting up channel numbers/frequencies. If anybody can elaborate, I would greatly appreciate!

That said, I noticed something that may be relevant to this problem. When I set up Input connection for my combination (Tuner 0 -> CableCompany) I set up the starting channel. As long as I don't start front end (that is, exit and start mythtvsetup) - the value stays. But as soon as I start (and then exit) frontend and then start setup - the value in the Starting channel field is gone.

Maybe it's related - maybe it's not. But either way I am very confused by references to channel numbers.

I did install MythTV several times on different computers (FC3 and FC4). I don't claim to be an expert by any means; but I think I checked the obvious places...

I humbly suspect that there is a bug, and I'd like to do my best to troubleshoot...
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