On Monday 29 August 2005 08:18, Brian Meehan wrote:
> Thanks for the update. Congrats on the newbie.
> And now the question... Which OS is installed on your little one's
> computers? (Of course they have their own computers... this is the
> Myth mailing list, right?)

My son uses a Mac. He's not even 3 yet, but he knows how to launch iPhoto and 
get at the pictures of the Blue Angels (they were in town a few weeks back, 
he LOVED seeing 'em), go back and forth between the pics, and so on... He's 
also helped me with a few Linux installs. The girl doesn't get her own 
computer until she can sit up.

And yes, there's definitely enough computers in the house for everyone to have 
their own one or five.

Jarod Wilson
mythtv-users mailing list

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