To change the fontsize in the main Myth menus -
The example below is for MythCenter, but you'll ge the idea...

pico /usr/share/mythtv/themes/MythCenter/theme.xml

find the <fontsize> tag, and decrease/increase as necessary, I found 22 was best.
You will have to change to another theme and then back to see the changes.


I share your experience and would also be happy to know!

All my fonts look too big, and they don't fit well, especially in places like the program guide where parts of the channel names are missing. I am using the default blue theme. I tried changing font size in the first page of the 'Appearance' settings, and I also tried reducing the font sizes on the QT page (about 5 screens into the 'Appearance' settings) - also my Qt style is set to Desktop Style.

Nothing seems to make much difference.

How is it supposed to work?

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