Ah so it appeared that one of my lineups got deleted at zap2it. Not sure how
that happened,  but this weird behavior kind of makes sense now. :)

I re-added the line up to zap2it. (The channel page on mythweb under settings was most hopeful in figuring the original line up and channels.)

I deleted all entries in the program table.

I reran mythfilldatabase.

I restarted mythbackend

and presto good as new.



On 9/6/05, Janet Flowers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Recently my guide data seems to have "No Data" for "today" and "tomorrow"
for my cable channels sourceid (OTA sourceid is fine), where "today" is well um, today. :)
(i.e., the current day.)

I've tried running
mythfilldatabase --refresh-today --refresh-second

without much luck (it does quite a bit of work but ultimately says "0 replacements made." and
there are no changes to the listings or the database contents.

(I've just added the --no-delete option to my mythfilldatabase cron job to see if it will help keep data around.)

I've looked in the 'program' table in mysql and the data really isn't there. (I presume that this is where it would be.)
I've deleted the data in the table for the day in question and tried rerunning mythfilldatabase without any luck.

How do I get the raw XML files from zap2it to see what mythfilldatabase is processing?
Any other thoughts on what/how to troubleshoot?
(I'm running atrpms version of mythtv 18.1 on RHEL FC3.)



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