On Wednesday 07 September 2005 16:04, Ryan Steffes wrote:
> Any chance anyone can recommend a simple way to reverse the commercial 
> cutlist so I can transcode out an avi of JUST commercials? I have a 
> friend  
> that's in a new VISA commercial feature a lady pushing a big cart full 
> of  
> packages. I have no idea when it airs, so my current plan is to just 
> set it  
> to record several hours of primetime each nice and skim all the 
> commercials.  
> I can turn off commercial skip, and use the jump points, but it'd be 
> alot  
> easier to have it transcode out the shows I don't watch anyway.
> Suggestions?

The 'INVERTMAP' action in TV Edit Mode (default keybinding 'I') is 
probably what you want.

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