Something I've never quite been cleared on, but for NTSC svideo is it
better to run the screen resolution at 1024x768 or 800x600?

I've finally configured X to 100dpi and am slowly resolving the issues
to fixing the font size as well.

> > On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 08:32:55 +0100, Lee wrote:
> >> To change the fontsize in the main Myth menus - The example below is
> >> for MythCenter, but you'll ge the idea...
> >>
> >> pico /usr/share/mythtv/themes/MythCenter/theme.xml
> >>
> >> find the <fontsize> tag, and decrease/increase as necessary, I found
> >> 22 was best.
> >> You will have to change to another theme and then back to see the
> >> changes.
> >
> > This isn't the right way to fix it. What you need to do is make sure
> > that the X server is running at 100dpi, which is what all of the themes
> > are for.
> >
> > This has been covered many times, so just check back in the archives
> > ( for 100 dpi.
> >
> > (Hint, set DisplaySize in xorg.conf or give -dpi 100 to X server.)
> >
> Oh, I played with the whole display size thing until my fingers bled.
> 100dpi just seemed to move things around the screen a bit, but not
> actually fix anything. 75dpi (which was the default when I installed
> KnoppMyth R5A16) was almost there, but adjusting that .xml file made it
> perfect...
> As usual YMMV...
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