On 08/09/05, Stephen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a quick follow-up to my earlier post. You can see the gain for
> different aerial groups on the follwoing graph
> http://www.wrightsaerials.tv/Articles/img/fig%201

If the above link causes problems, try

I've noted a difference between reception issues between different
DVB-T cards. I started off using Hauppauge Nova-T PCI cards which
caused me to keep going back to the aerial when a couple of channels
(on multiplexes 2 and A) would break up a lot during recording/live
TV. The other day I installed another slave backend with a pair of
KWorld DVB-T Xpert PCI cards, which, using an older booster and
daisychaining the aerial feed, gave absolutely no problems and tune
between channels extremely quickly (esp in Kaffeine). The channels was
also very quick in Kaffiene compared to the Myth scan.

I would therefore try a booster first of all, and then if problems
persist, try to borrow a freeview box to see if it's really the
reception or the card that it causing the trouble.

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