I don't have specific experience with medical software, but I've had a few PDA's. And my doctor uses a PDA to look up various references and also to write scripts (they print out via WiFi on a printer at the nurse's desk). I believe his was a PalmOS PDA last I checked. I used to prefer Palm but I've come to love my PocketPC 2003 PDA. There is lots of medical software available to install on PDA's. PocketPC (or Windows Mobile I think they call the current version) is a bit more flexible and has more software available for it. PalmOS used to rule but has languished in the last few years and lost a lot of marketshare.


James Alexander wrote:

My mother has asked me about buying a PDA. She is an RN and wants to use it as a quick reference device for types of prescription medication, dosages, combinations etc. This is really off topic for this list, but I'm curious if anyone on this list is in the medical profession and has a PDA used for this purpose, or if they have seen one used for this purpose and if they know anything about it. I know next to nothing about PDAs, so any information would be helpful. I'm assuming that either there would be a PDA specifically designed for this function, or there would be specific software to load on the PDA that could be used to store this information. I haven't done a google search yet because I was hoping that someone here might have personal experience with it (different software packages, which one is better (read: easier to use), more inexpensive, etc.), if not, I'm off to search the web.

Thanks in advance.
- James


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