On 9/8/05, Alex Brekken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now I fully understand that Myth should only record 1 of the 2 showings since they're the exact same episode, however I can't figure out why it's electing to record Monday's episode instead of Friday's since Friday is an earlier date.  There's no other recording happening on Friday at the same time which would interfere.  (I've got dual tuners, so that wouldn't matter anyway)  What I would expect to see is that Myth would record Friday's episode, and skip Monday's with an indication on Monday's schedule of "P" for "previously recorded." 

Does this seem like a problem to anyone else, or am I just misunderstaning how the behavior is supposed to work? 

Yes, there's a fine point of Myth's scheduler that you're missing.  When attempting to determine which showing of an episode should be recorded, Myth looks at many factors (tuner priority, priority for that specific recording rule, channel priority, etc).  I'm going to assume here that you've set the same priority for both of your recording rules.  Since the rest of the details of those two rules are the same, then both the Friday and Monday episodes would have the exact same priority.  When Myth sees two showings with the same priority, it prefers the one that matches the recording rule that was added first.  Since you set up the Monday recordings prior to setting up the Friday recordings it's most likely choosing the Monday recording because that rule was entered first.  Incidentally, you might want to remove one of those duplicate recording rules and set the other one to "Find and record one showing of this title each week".  That would allow Myth to record one episode each week and still choose between the Friday and Monday showings to avoid conflicts.

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