On 11/09/05, Mark Kundinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This seems like a retarded problem to me, but what am I doing wrong
> when trying to compile mythplugins?
> Here's the breakdown: I've got FC4.  I did a checkout of today's
> mythtv, myththemes, and mythplugins code from SVN.  After a lot of
> fighting with getting Qt compiled and installed, I have base mythtv
> compiled, installed, and working propery.  I also spent time installing
> dependencies for various plugins, so as far as I know I'm missing none.
> Here's what I do:
> cd ../mythplugins
> ./configure
> (it produces a list of what will be compiled (most things), and reports
> no dependency problems)
> qmake mythplugins.pro
> make
> And then I get the following error mesasge:
> make[1]: Entering directory
> `/home/mythtv/mythcvs/mythplugins/mythbrowser'
> cd mythbrowser && make -f Makefile
> make[2]: Entering directory
> `/home/mythtv/mythcvs/mythplugins/mythbrowser/mythbr owser'
> make[2]: *** No rule to make target `mythconfig.mak', needed by
> `Makefile'.  Stop.
> If I disable the plugin that generates the error message from
> compiling, then the next plugin generates the same message about "no
> rule to make taret 'mythconfig.mak'".

Does the file 'mythconfig.mak' exist in your myth tree?

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