On 9/12/05, Aaron Aguilar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can't be the only one with this problem.  I tried pressing + and - but that didn't seem to do anything.

Any other suggestions?

On 9/11/05, Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
On 11/09/05, Aaron Aguilar < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My setup has worked fine until recently (the past week or two) I keep
> getting recordings with no sound.  Sometimes when I'm watching live tv I
> will get no sound on certain channels and have to change the channel.  I
> think I saw this brought up before, but no one had a solution?  I figure I
> probably have to downgrade something.

Try pressing '+' or '-' when watching TV/recordings to switch to
alternate audio tracks. Sometimes the wrong/silent track is selected
which results in silence.

Does the video look normal or jerky? I had a similar issue with one of my PVR250s, after installing a PVR500 with them. The video would be very 'jerky', and I had no audio. I solved it by swapping the IRQs in the BIOS. I believe the problem was due to IRQ sharing of one of the PVR250s and the video card.

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